Manuel AntĂłnio Gomes de Almeida de Pinho (born 28 October 1954) is a Portuguese former Minister of Economy and Innovation (2005–09) who was indicted in 2017 and re-indicted in 2019 on multiple charges of passive corruption and money laundering for having improperly benefited, while he was in office, Portugal’s EDP-Energias de Portugal electricity company by at least 1.2 billion euros (at the expense of Portuguese electricity consumers and of the Portuguese Treasury) in exchange for at least 4.5 million euros in compensation to him in the form of secret monthly payments from his former employer the EspĂrito Santo Financial Group into offshore accounts in Pinho and his wife's names; and payments by EDP-Energias de Portugal to Columbia University to hire Pinho after he left government.As of September 2019, Pinho is listed as an Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs that hired him in 2010 coinciding with the Energias de Portugal sponsorship, but he has not lectured classes since his indictment and the "Global Energy Policy" course created for him is being taught by other instructors.
He is also remembered in Portuguese popular culture for an outburst in 2009 in the Portuguese Parliament that forced his resignation and was reported by mainstream media worldwide.