Lucie Madeleine Renaud (French: [??no]; 21 February 1900 – 23 September 1994) was a French actress best remembered for her work in the theatre.
She did though appear in several films directed by Jean Grémillon including Remorques (Stormy Waters, 1941) and Lumière d'été (Summer Light, 1943).
Renaud had a son, Jean-Pierre Granval (10 December 1923 – 28 May 1998), by her first marriage.
In 1940, Renaud married her second husband, actor-director Jean-Louis Barrault (1910 – 1994).
They remained married until his death in 1994.
She died the same year.
The couple acted together and co-founded a number of theater companies, touring extensively throughout North and South America.