Michael Ettmüller (26 May 1644 – 9 March 1683) was a German physician, born at Leipzig.
He studied at his native place and at Wittenberg, and after travelling in Italy, France and England was recalled in 1668 to Leipzig, where he was admitted a member of the faculty of medicine in 1676.
About the same time the university confided to him the chair of botany, and appointed him extraordinary professor of surgery and anatomy.
He died on 9 March 1683 at Leipzig.
He enjoyed a great reputation as a lecturer, and wrote many tracts on medical and chemical subjects.
His collected works were published in 1708 by his son, Michael Ernst Ettmüller (1673–1732), who was successively professor of medicine (1702), anatomy and surgery (1706), physiology (1719) and pathology (1724) at Leipzig.