Louis Waldenburg, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Louis Waldenburg

German physician

Date of Birth: 31-Jul-1837

Place of Birth: Wieleń, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland

Date of Death: 14-Apr-1881

Profession: university teacher, internist

Nationality: German Empire

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Louis Waldenburg

  • Louis Waldenburg (July 31, 1837 – April 14, 1881) was a German physician. Waldenburg was born in Filehne, Posen.
  • He graduated from the University of Berlin (M.D.
  • 1860).
  • After a postgraduate course at Heidelberg he established himself in Berlin as a specialist in diseases of the chest and throat.
  • From 1864 to 1868 he was joint editor with H.
  • Rosenthal of the Allgemeine Medizinische Central-Zeitung.
  • In 1865 he became privat-docent at the Berlin University, and from 1868 until his death he edited the Berliner Klinische Wochenschrift.
  • In 1871 he was appointed assistant professor, and in 1877 department physician, at the Charité. Among Waldenburg's many works: De Origine et Structura Membranarum, Quæ in Tuberculis Capsulisque Verminosis Involucrum Præbent, a prize essay at the University of Berlin, 1859; Ueber Blutaustritt und Aneurysmenbildung, Durch Parasiten Bedingt, in Archiv für Anatomie und Physiologie, 1860; Ueber Structur und Ursprung der Wurmhaltigen Cysten, in Archiv für Pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für Klinische Medizin,1862; Lehrbuch der Respiratorischen Therapie, Berlin, 1864 (2d ed.
  • 1872); Die Tuberkulose, die Lungenschwindsucht und Scrofulose,ib.
  • 1869; and Die Pneumatische Behandlung der Respirations- und Circulations-Krankheiten, ib.
  • 1875 (2d ed.
  • 1880). Waldenburg died in Berlin April 14, 1881.

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