Erich Eyck, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Erich Eyck

German historian of modern age

Date of Birth: 07-Dec-1878

Place of Birth: Berlin

Date of Death: 23-Jun-1964

Profession: lawyer, historian of the modern age

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Erich Eyck

  • Erich Eyck (1878 – 23 June 1964) was a German historian. He was born in Berlin and studied to become a lawyer.
  • Before the First World War one of his clients was the Russian Marxist revolutionary Anatoly Lunacharsky.
  • In 1928 he was elected to the Berlin Town Assembly, standing as a Democrat.
  • Eyck also wrote articles for the Vossische Zeitung.
  • However, following the rise of Adolf Hitler, Eyck emigrated to Britain in 1937, living in Boars Hill, Berkshire and Hampstead, London.
  • He took British nationality after 1945.From then on he focused on history, writing biographies of Otto von Bismarck and Wilhelm II, as well as a two-volume history of the Weimar Republic.
  • From early on in his life he had admired Britain's liberal political system and his political beliefs influenced his historical work.
  • Eyck wrote that he was "of the Liberal persuasion" and in 1938 he wrote a biography of the Liberal politician William Ewart Gladstone, who was his ideal statesman.In the early 1940s, he wrote a three-volume biography of Bismarck.
  • According to The Times, Eyck was one of the few people to have read all the evidence concerning Bismarck's career.
  • Karina Urbach has written that as "a lawyer, Eyck despised Bismarck's lack of respect for the rule of law, and as a liberal he passionately condemned Bismarck's cynicism towards liberal, democratic, and humanitarian ideals".
  • Eyck's interpretation was criticised by Hans Rothfels and Franz Schnabel, who argued that Eyck's belief that Germany could have gone down a liberal road was unrealistic and that Germany could have been united only by Bismarck.
  • Gerhard Ritter wrote to Eyck, lamenting that his work would confirm the negative impression people abroad had of German history.Eyck enjoyed a friendship with Theodor Heuss, the first President of postwar Germany.
  • In 1953 Heuss awarded him the Grand Cross of Merit.

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