Mariska Gárdos (1 May 1885 – 23 January 1973) was a Hungarian feminist, union organizer, journalist and editor.
She was a founding member of the Union of Trade Employees (Hungarian: Kereskedelmi Alkalmazottak Szakegylete (KAS)) while still a teenager and helped to found the National Association of Woman Workers in Hungary (Hungarian: Magyarországi Munkásnok Országos Egyesülete (MME)) in 1904.
After the post-World War I socialist and Communist governments were crushed in 1920, Gárdos was forced to flee into exile before returning in 1932.
She joined the Communist Party as the Soviets occupied Hungary in 1945 and helped to found the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women (Hungarian: Magyar Nok Demokratikus Szövetsége (MNDSz)), but resigned shortly afterwards.