Luísa Costa Gomes, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Luísa Costa Gomes

Portuguese chronicler, librettist, novelist, playwright and screenwriter

Date of Birth: 16-Jun-1954

Place of Birth: Lisbon, Lisbon District, Portugal

Profession: screenwriter, writer, playwright

Nationality: Portugal

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Luísa Costa Gomes

  • Luísa Costa Gomes is a Portuguese chronicler, librettist, novelist, playwright and screenwriter.Luísa has a University degree in Philosophy from Universidade de Lisboa and was high school teacher.
  • Her first published piece was "13 Contos de Sobressalto" (1982) and from then on she wrote short stories, novels and theater.
  • She collaborated with newspaper O Independente, Público and Diário de Notícias as chronicle writer.
  • Luísa works with literary translation, namely for theater, and edited magazine Ficções dedicated to short stories both by Portuguese and foreign authors. Luísa also co-writes works, such as the novel "O Defunto Elegante", together with Abel Barros Baptista; the libreto for "Corvo Branco", opera by Philip Glass and staged by Bob Wilson, debuted for Expo 98 in Lisbon; the cantata "Sobre o Vulcão", with music by Luís Brangança Gil. Luísa received the award "Prémio D.
  • Dinis" in 1988 by "Fundação da Casa de Mateus" for her novel "O Pequeno Mundo".
  • She was awarded em 1994 the Prémio Máxima de Literatura for her novel "Olhos Verdes".
  • In 2010 she was also awarded the Prémio Fernando Namora for the novel "Ilusão ou O Que Quiserem".

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