Nilson Lombardi, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Nilson Lombardi

Brazilian musician

Date of Birth: 03-Jan-1926

Place of Birth: Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil

Date of Death: 09-Apr-2008

Profession: composer, conductor, pianist

Nationality: Brazil

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Nilson Lombardi

  • Nilson Lombardi (Sorocaba January 3, 1926 - Sorocaba, April 9, 2008) was a pianist, composer and Brazilian maestro with a vast contribution to the classical music in many countries.
  • His compositions have also been interpreted in international recitals and recordings on disc by Eudoxia de Barros, Attilio Mastrogiovanni, Orlando Retroz, Beatriz Balzi, among others. Lombarti was awarded the APCA prize of São Paulo Association of Art Critics of classical music lovers and artists influencing contemporary classical music in Brazil and abroad.
  • Nilson Lombardi worked with Mozart Camargo Guarnieri (1907–1993), one of the most important contributors of Brazilian music.
  • Lombardi was defined as a follower of the work of Guarnieri. Nilson Lombardi's family made the donation collection of the composer at the Tatuí Musical Conservatory "Dr.
  • Carlos Campos ", the Conservatory of Tatuí.
  • The collection includes about 600 items, including books, music, trophies, a typewriter, and every work of Nilson Lombardi - part of her original.

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