Frigyes Ákos Hazslinszky, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Frigyes Ákos Hazslinszky

Hungarian botanist

Date of Birth: 06-Jan-1818

Place of Birth: Kežmarok, Prešov Region, Slovakia

Date of Death: 16-Sep-1896

Profession: botanist, mycologist

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Frigyes Ákos Hazslinszky

  • Frigyes Ákos Hazslinszky or in German version of his name Friedrich August Hazslinszky von Hazslin (Késmárk Kingdom of Hungary, Austrian Empire, 6 January 1818 – Eperjes, Kingdom of Hungary, Austria-Hungary 16 September 1896) was a Hungarian mycologist and botanist.
  • Upon completing his lyceum studies in Késmark (today Kežmarok, Slovakia), he studied philosophy, law, theology and chemistry, working concurrently as a teacher.
  • After a stint as teacher in Debrecen and Sárospatak, and further studies in Vienna, he became professor of physics and mathematic at the Lutheran College in Eperjes (today Prešov) in 1846.
  • His scientific interests and contributions centered on the then Northern Hungarian – now Slovakian - flora, in particular the one of the Szepesség, Orava and the Tatra Mountains.
  • Hazslinszky published extensively in botany, pteridology and particularly in mycology.
  • He published the first Hungarian plant identification guide in 1864 as well as over a hundred, mostly mycological papers and monographs, among them the monumental Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Flora der Karpathen in 9 parts.
  • He was a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
  • The genus Hazslinszkya was named in his honour by G.
  • W.
  • Körber in 1861.

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