Klaus Heinrich, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Klaus Heinrich


Date of Birth: 23-Sep-1927

Place of Birth: Berlin

Profession: writer, university teacher, philosopher

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Klaus Heinrich

  • Klaus Heinrich (born September 23, 1927) is a German philosopher of religion.
  • In 2002, he was awarded the Sigmund Freud Prize by the Deutsche Akademie fĂźr Sprache und Dichtung. At the Freie Universität in Berlin, founded in 1948, a chair in "the study of religion on the basis of the philosophy of religion" was created for Heinrich.
  • Michael Stausberg, historian of the study of religion, says this of him: “Heinrich became famous in Berlin and beyond for his skills as an orator—being a speaker rather than a writer, many of his publications are reconstructed on the basis of recordings and notes of his students—, his teaching style, his immense learning and his political commitment to the ideals of a ‘free’ university.
  • His work, which adopts key-elements from Tillich (‘origins’) and Freud (‘repression’), moves in the borderland between Greek mythology (Oedipus!) and philosophy.
  • Many of his texts provide a philosophical-psychoanalytical exegesis of myths that takes visual culture (modern arts, the Renaissance) as its point of departure.
  • Heinrich’s dense style, often difficult to follow for the non-initiates, won him the prestigious Sigmund Freud-Award for Scientific Prose in 2002.
  • Heinrich’s approach to the study of religion is too unique and personal to be copied by others, but he had many students who were fascinated by his charisma.”See also Irion, U.
  • “Religiosität ohne Religion.
  • Rudolf Otto, Rudolf Bultmann, Klaus Heinrich, Mircea Eliade.” In Kemper, P., ed.
  • Macht des Mythos—Ohnmacht der Vernunft? Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch, 1989.
  • 289-309.
  • (Heinrich is discussed on 298-302.)

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