Franz Schrönghamer-Heimdal, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Franz Schrönghamer-Heimdal

German propagandist

Date of Birth: 12-Jul-1881

Place of Birth: Eppenschlag, Bavaria, Germany

Date of Death: 03-Sep-1962

Profession: writer, journalist

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Franz Schrönghamer-Heimdal

  • Franz Schrönghamer-Heimdal (born July 12, 1881 in Marbach Eppenschlag, Lower Bavaria - died 3 September 1962 in Passau), was a Bavarian Catholic writer and painter. In 1918 his Das kommende Reich (The Coming Reich) appeared, during the November 1918 revolution in Munich.
  • It laid out a blueprint for the 'ecumenical yet distinctly Catholic-oriented spiritual rebuilding of Germany', and he contrasted the purity of Christ, and his true followers, with the perceived immorality of the Jewish-capitalistic spirit.
  • While Schrönghamer made no secret of his Catholic convictions the coming Reich he envisioned was to be interconfessional, both Christian confessions bonded in a "racial community [Volksgemeinschaft] of the same blood, the same law and the same morals", maintained through "race based eugenic measures." He later claimed [in a 1933 inscription of the book, sent to Nazi party headquarters] that it had influenced the Nazi party advocacy of the principle of Positive Christianity.Schrönghamer officially joined the Nazi party on 4 February 1920, when it was still known as the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.
  • He was the party's 222nd member - Adolf Hitler, who joined a few months before, had been the 55th.
  • At this time Schrönghamer was "the single most visible figure in the pages of the Völkischer Beobachter, when it served as the unofficial organ of the young völkisch-Nazi movement." Two of Schrönghamer's other writings, Vom Antichrist (late 1918) and Judas, der Weltfeind (mid-1919), both 'flamingly anti-Semitic' were "among the most significant and widely discussed works in Munich at the outset of the Nazi movement.
  • Schrönghamer also exercised a powerful influence over a large number of racist Catholic activists who themselves played important, if subsequently overlooked, roles in the early development and spread of the movement in and around Munich."

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