Léger-Félicité Sonthonax, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Léger-Félicité Sonthonax

French abolitionist

Date of Birth: 07-Mar-1763

Place of Birth: Oyonnax, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

Date of Death: 23-Jul-1813

Profession: politician, Girondists, author

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Léger-Félicité Sonthonax

  • Léger-Félicité Sonthonax (7 March 1763 – 23 July 1813) was a French abolitionist and Jacobin before joining the Girondist party, which emerged in 1791.
  • During the French Revolution, he controlled 7,000 French troops in Saint-Domingue during part of the Haitian Revolution.
  • His official title was Civil Commissioner.
  • From September 1792 to December 1795, he was the de facto ruler of Saint-Domingue's non-slave populace.
  • Within a year of his appointment, his powers were considerably expanded by the Committee of Public Safety.
  • He was recalled in 1795 largely due to the resurgence of conservative politics in France.
  • Sonthonax believed that Saint-Domingue's whites were royalists or separatists, so he attacked the military power of the white settlers and by doing so alienated the colonial settlers from their government.
  • Many gens de couleur (mixed-race residents of the colony) asserted that they could form the military backbone of Saint-Domingue if they were given rights, but Sonthonax rejected this view as outdated in the wake of the August 1791 slave uprising.
  • He believed that Saint-Domingue would need ex-slave soldiers among the ranks of the colonial army if it was to survive.
  • On August 1793, he proclaimed freedom for all slaves in the north province.
  • His critics allege that he was forced into ending slavery in order to maintain his own power.

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