Marie Eva Elwine Goslich (24 February 1859 in Frankfurt (Oder) – 1936) was a German journalist, photographer and magazine editor.
She is listed in the Berlin Residents Directory as "Writer and Editor" from 1902 to 1908 in Berlin W 57, Kurfürstenstraße 18, in 1909 she lived in Bülowstraße 59 and in 1910 in Berlin W 62 in Massenstraße 35.
During the years 1907 to 1910, she was editor of the journal Körperkultur (Body Culture).
In Potsdam, she became a member of the editorial board for the journal Bote für die christliche Frauenwelt (Messenger for Christian Women), published in the Foundation Publishing House by Pastor Theodor Hoppe (1846–1934), the founder of the Oberlinhauses.
She also published in Die Mark (The Mark), an illustrated journal for tourism and local history.
From 1916 to 1920, she was the responsible script manager for the Bote für die deutsche Frauenwelt (Messenger for German Women), as the Bote für die christliche Frauenwelt has been named since 1913.