Ingolf Ulrich Dalferth (born 9 July 1948) is a philosopher of religion and theologian.
His work is regarded as being on the methodological borderlines between analytic philosophy, hermeneutics and phenomenology, and he is a recognized expert in issues of contemporary philosophy, philosophy of religion, and philosophy of orientation.
Since 2007 Dalferth has held the Danforth Chair in Philosophy of Religion at Claremont Graduate University.
From 1998 to 2012 he served as the Director of the Institute of Hermeneutics and Philosophy of Religion at the University of Zürich.
He is the chief editor of the journal Theologische Literaturzeitung (Leipzig, Germany), book series Philosophy of Religion and Theology (Tübingen, Germany), and book series Claremont Studies in Religion as well as editor of Hermeneutischen Untersuchungen zur Theologie (Tübingen, Germany)