Eckart Schütrumpf, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Eckart Schütrumpf

German classical philologist

Date of Birth: 03-Feb-1939

Place of Birth: Marburg, Hesse, Germany

Profession: university teacher, classical scholar, classical philologist

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Eckart Schütrumpf

  • Eckart Schütrumpf (born 3 February 1939) is a professor of classics at the University of Colorado at Boulder known for his work on political, ethical, rhetorical and poetic issues in Aristotle, Plato, Cicero, and other ancient writers.
  • In 2005 he won a prestigious research prize from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for foreign scholars in the humanities.
  • He is currently working on an edition of Aristotle's fragments (see Corpus Aristotelicum).

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