Happer (1818–1894) was a nineteenth-century Presbyterian missionary who is known for his educational, medical, and religious endeavours in South China.
Happer's missionary service lasted from 1844 to 1894, and during this time he worked in the suburbs and city of Canton.
In the field of medicine, Happer created two dispensaries, the first was established in 1847 and the second in 1854.
He also introduced higher Christian education to the Chinese youth of Canton through opening boarding and day schools, a training school, and eventually the Canton Christian College in the year 1888.
Carrying out his duty as a Presbyterian missionary, Happer found the First Presbyterian Church where he was a pastor and converted many Cantonese people to Christianity, published books and other works focusing on Presbyterian faith, translated multiple religious works, and held editor positions for Presbyterian periodicals.
After making his impact on the Cantonese people and laying down the foundation for future Presbyterian missions in South China, Happer left China for the last time in 1894.