Andrey of Staritsa, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Andrey of Staritsa

Youngest son of Ivan the Great by Sophia of Byzantium

Date of Birth: 05-Aug-1490

Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia

Date of Death: 11-Dec-1537

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Andrey of Staritsa

  • Andrey Ivanovich (August 5, 1490 – December 11, 1537) was the youngest son of Ivan III of Russia the Great by Sophia Palaiologina of Byzantium.
  • Since 1519, his appanages included Volokolamsk and Staritsa. When his elder brother Vasily III ascended the throne, Andrey was just 14.
  • Like his other brothers, he was forbidden to marry until Vasily could produce an heir.
  • This didn't come to pass until 1530, but it was only two years later, when Vasily's second son was born, that Andrey was finally allowed to find himself a wife.
  • Several months later, on February 2, 1533, he married a Gedyminid Princess, Euphrosinia Andreyevna Khovanskaya.
  • Their only child, Vladimir, was born later that year. Next month, however, Vasily died.
  • After 40 days of mourning, Andrey applied to his widow Elena Glinskaya for extension of his demesnes.
  • Elena denied him that favour and Andrey departed for Staritsa in anger.
  • There he heard that his only living brother, Yury Ivanovich, had been taken to prison and died there.
  • It is only natural that he declined Elena's emphatic invitations to visit Moscow and lived in Staritsa in seclusion for three following years.
  • He built there a fine cathedral, which still stands. In 1537, however, it was rumoured that Andrey was going to escape to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
  • Upon hearing the news, Elena closed the Lithuanian border and dispatched her minion, Prince Obolensky, to seize him.
  • Andrey escaped to Novgorod, where he persuaded local nobility to join his cause.
  • Reluctant to appeal to arms, however, he surrendered to the mercy of Obolensky.
  • At Moscow, he was tried and thrown into prison with all his family.
  • He died several months later and was succeeded in Staritsa by his son Vladimir.

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