Guðmundur Árni Stefánsson (born 31 October 1955 in Hafnarfjörður) is an Icelandic politician, former Minister for social affairs from June to November 1994, and diplomat.
He served as the Ambassador of Iceland to multiple countries:
Ambassador of Iceland to Albania from 28 June 2007 to 21 November 2013.
Ambassador of Iceland to Argentina from 23 October 2013, incumbent.
Ambassador of Iceland to Kuwait from 16 January 2008, incumbent.
Ambassador of Iceland to Cyprus from 4 September 2007 to 11 January 2012.
Ambassador of Iceland to Serbia from 18 May 2007 to 22 June 2011.
Ambassador of Iceland to Sweden from 30 November 2005 to 28 October 2011.
Ambassador of Iceland to Syria from 4 December 2007, incumbent.
Ambassador of Iceland to the United States from 1 October 2011 to 23 February 2015.
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