Auguste Léopold Protet, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Auguste Léopold Protet

French admiral

Date of Birth: 20-Apr-1808

Place of Birth: Saint-Servan, Brittany, France

Date of Death: 17-May-1862

Profession: naval officer

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Auguste Léopold Protet

  • Auguste Léopold Protet (1808–62) was a French Navy admiral.
  • He founded Dakar, fought in the Second Opium War, and was killed in the Taiping Rebellion at the Fengxian District of Shanghai on the afternoon of May 17, 1862.
  • He was born at Saint-Servan, France, and at sixteen he was admitted into the naval school of Angoulême.
  • When he was 38 he received the commission of captain in the royal navy.
  • At this time the English and French governments combined their efforts to put an end to the slave trade on the African coast, and Protet was employed in that service.
  • After cruising three years on the coast of Africa he was appointed governor of Senegal, where he remained from 1850 to 1855.
  • He served during the war with China, and was promoted to the rank of rear-admiral.
  • He subsequently joined the expedition against the Taiping, who threatened an attack upon Shanghai, and he was killed during the engagement at Nan-Jao (??). The French troops massacred 3,000 men, women and children in a nearby Chinese village to revenge his death.The French aviso (corvette) Protet (F742) was named after him and saw active service until the 1980s.

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