Razadarit, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death



ninth king of the Hanthawaddy Pegu Kingdom in Burma from 1384 to 1421. Considered one of the greatest kings in Burmese history, he successfully reunified all three Mon-speaking regions of southern Burma (Myanmar)

Date of Birth: 28-Jan-1368

Place of Birth: Donwun, Mon State, Myanmar

Date of Death: 01-Feb-1421

Profession: monarch

Nationality: Myanmar

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Razadarit

  • Razadarit (Mon: ??????????, Burmese: ??????????, Burmese pronunciation: [jàzàd???`?] or [jàza?d???`?]; also spelled Yazadarit; 1368–1421), was king of Hanthawaddy Pegu from 1384 to 1421.
  • He successfully unified his Mon-speaking kingdom, and fended off major assaults by the Burmese-speaking Ava Kingdom (Inwa) in the Forty Years' War.
  • The king also instituted an administrative system that left his successors with a far more integrated kingdom.
  • He is one of the most famous kings in Burmese history. Razadarit came to power at 16 after a rebellion against his father King Binnya U (r.
  • 1348–1384), barely controlling the Pegu province.
  • By his sheer will and military leadership, the young king not only defeated Ava's first wave of invasions (1385–1391) but also unified his kingdom in the process.
  • After presiding over Pegu's emergence as a regional power, he twice renewed the war with Ava in the 1400s, and outlasted Ava's fierce counterattacks with the help of Hsenwi and Ming China.
  • Between 1401 and 1418, he met Ava's King Minkhaung I and Crown Prince Minye Kyawswa head-on in Lower Burma, Upper Burma, and Arakan. His life is recorded in a classic chronicle called Razadarit Ayedawbon.
  • The king is remembered as a complex figure: an accomplished military leader who kept his kingdom independent; an able administrator who successfully integrated the provinces; and a ruthless paranoid figure, who drove many close to him to death.
  • His battles against Minkhaung and Minye Kyawswa are still retold in Burmese popular culture.

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