Reinhard Brandt, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Reinhard Brandt

German philosopher

Date of Birth: 10-Apr-1937

Place of Birth: Klein Gladebrügge, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Profession: university teacher, philosopher

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Reinhard Brandt

  • Reinhard Brandt (born 10 April 1937 in Klein Gladebrügge) is a German philosopher. Brandt studied Greek, Latin and philosophy in Marburg, Munich and Paris.
  • In 1965 he completed his doctorate on the Aristotelian theory of judgement.
  • His habilitation was on an unpublished work of David Hume's theoretical philosophy. From 1972, Brandt was a professor of history of philosophy at the University of Marburg.
  • He retired in 2003.
  • He also taught at several other universities. His research focus is the philosophy of Immanuel Kant.
  • He has recently published several articles on Kant in Italian.

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