Karl Penka, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Karl Penka

Austrian philologist and anthropologist

Date of Birth: 26-Oct-1847

Place of Birth: Mohelnice, Olomouc Region, Czech Republic

Date of Death: 10-Feb-1912

Profession: anthropologist

Nationality: Austria

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Karl Penka

  • Karl Penka (26 October 1847 – 10 February 1912) was an Austrian philologist and anthropologist.
  • Born in Müglitz, Moravia (now Mohelnice, Czech Republic), from 1873 until 1906 Penka was a master at the Maximiliansgymnasium, a high school for boys, in Vienna.Penka studied anthropology from the point of view of comparative linguistics and took a particular interest in the origins of the Indo-Europeans.
  • He used the term Aryan in the linguistic sense and also extended it into a broad term of race and culture.
  • It was he who popularized the theory that the Aryan race had emerged in Scandinavia and could be identified by the Nordic characteristics of blue eyes and blond hair.
  • In his Origines Ariacae ('Origins of the Aryans') of 1883 he proposed that the Indo-European homeland was in the far north, the Hyperborea of antiquity.
  • Penka has been called "a transitional figure between Aryanism and Nordicism".Penka died in Vienna in 1912.
  • He is now seen as a pioneer of racist and anti-Semitic theories in ethnology.

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