Francesco Cornaro (Doge), Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Francesco Cornaro (Doge)

Doge of Venice

Date of Birth: 06-Mar-1585

Place of Birth: Venice, Venetian Province, Italy

Date of Death: 05-Jun-1656

Profession: politician

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Francesco Cornaro (Doge)

  • For the cardinal, see Francesco Cornaro (cardinal). Francesco Cornaro or Francesco Corner (Venice, 6 March 1585 – Venice, 5 June 1656) was the 101st Doge of Venice.
  • His reign as Doge was the shortest of any Doge.
  • He was elected on 17 May 1656 and died only a few weeks later, on 5 June 1656. Francesco Cornaro was the son of Giovanni Cornaro, who was Doge of Venice from 1625 to 1629.
  • Francesco Cornaro was married to Andriana Priuli, the daughter of Antonio Priuli, who was Doge from 1618 to 1623. Francesco Cornaro had a prestigious political career.
  • Cornaro soured on politics after an incident occurred while he was serving as the Ambassador of the Republic of Venice to the Duke of Savoy.
  • The Duke became convinced that Cornaro was plotting against him and had Cornaro expelled from the Duchy of Savoy.
  • After that, Cornaro withdrew from politics and devoted himself to business.
  • It was widely believed that he would never be elected as Doge.
  • However, after the death of Carlo Contarini on 1 May 1656 (a reign that lasted barely more than a year), Cornaro was elected Doge on 17 May 1656, only to die a few weeks later on 5 June 1656.
  • He is buried in the Tolentini.

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