Johann Heinrich Gossler, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Johann Heinrich Gossler

German banker

Date of Birth: 28-Mar-1775

Date of Death: 03-Apr-1842

Profession: politician, banker

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Johann Heinrich Gossler

  • Johann Heinrich Gossler (born 28 March 1775, died 3 April 1842) was a Hamburg banker and grand burgher, a member of the Berenberg-Gossler-Seyler banking dynasty, a co-owner (from 1798) of the Berenberg Bank and a senator of Hamburg from 1821.
  • He was the son of Johann Hinrich Gossler and Elisabeth Berenberg (1749–1822), and the brother in law of Ludwig Erdwin Seyler.
  • He was the father of Hamburg First Mayor Hermann Gossler and the grandfather of Baron Johann von Berenberg-Gossler (1839–1913).
  • He was also the great-grandfather of First Mayor Johann Heinrich Burchard.

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