Franché Coma, Date of Birth


Franché Coma

American musician

Date of Birth: 17-Aug-1957

Profession: musician, guitarist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Franché Coma

  • Franché Coma (born Frank Licata August 17, 1957), is an American musician.
  • He is best known for being the original guitarist of the Misfits.
  • Coma joined The Misfits in the fall of 1977 as the band's first guitarist.
  • All of his recordings were recorded on the famous Static Age sessions recorded in February 1978 at Mercury Records CI recording studio in NYC.
  • Coma left The Misfits in the fall of 1978 and went on to play for the band Active Ingredients with his longtime friend Ashley Morance.

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