Ferhat Ozcep, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Ferhat Ozcep

Date of Birth: 23-Jan-1968

Place of Birth: Zonguldak, Turkey

Profession: historian of science

Nationality: Turkey

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Ferhat Ozcep

  • Ferhat Ozcep is geophysicist and historian of science in Turkey.
  • He was born in Zonguldak (the western Black Sea side of Turkey) on January 23, 1968.
  • He was a visiting scholar in the Department of the Science at Harvard University.
  • He currently is professor of geophysics at Istanbul University .. He received the B.Sc.
  • degree in Geophysical Engineering from University of Istanbul in 1991 and the Pre-Bachelor's (Associate's) degree in Electrical Engineering Technician Program from Hacettepe University in 1992.
  • He received the M.Sc.
  • Degree in Geophysical Engineering from University of Istanbul in 1994.
  • He received the Ph.
  • D.
  • degree in Geophysics from University of Istanbul in 1999.
  • Between 1992 and 2004 years, he was a research assistant in Department of Geophysical Engineering, at University of Istanbul.
  • In 1994 and 1996, he was elected a Member (as a general secretary) of Executive Committee of Istanbul Branch of “Chamber of Geophysical Engineers” that is only Geophysical Society in Turkey.
  • Between 2006 and 2008, he was a Member of Executive Committee of “Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects”.
  • He was selected as a Member of History of Geophysics Committee, American Geophysical Union for the term 1 July 2002 to 30 June 2004.
  • He is also a member of Geophysical Engineering Committee of ASCEHe is a member of American Geophysical Union, European Geosciences Union, Deutsche Geophysikalische Geselschaft (German Geophysical Society), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Chamber of Geophysical Engineers of Turkey, Earthquake Engineering Association of Turkey, and Turkish Society for History of Science.His current research interests in geophysics focus on a wide range of topics: “Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering”, “Soil Dynamics”, “Seismic Microzonation”, “Paleomagnetism-Geomagnetism”, “Tectonophysics (Geodynamics)”, “Electromagnetic Techniques”, “Archeogeophysics”, “Exploration and Protection of the Nature (Environmental Geophysics)”, and “History and Philosophy of Science”. He has been a Visiting Scholar in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at University of Cambridge for Lent term 2015, where he has attended seminars and lectures run by the Department and has made use of the Department and University's facilities.
  • Whilst he was in the Department, his sponsor was Professor Jim Secord.While at Harvard, Prof.
  • Ozcep will be conducting research on the “Investigation on Geophysical Ideas and Measurements in Ottoman Geography in Transition from Pre-Modern (Islamic) to Modern (Western) Periods.”He was named co-chair of Department of Geophysical Engineering at Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa in July 2018.

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