David Woodard ( (listen); born April 6, 1964) is an American conductor and writer, and a lineal descendant of prominent colonial families.
During the 1990s he coined the term prequiem, a portmanteau of preemptive and requiem, to describe his Buddhist practice of composing dedicated music to be rendered during or slightly before the death of its subject.Los Angeles memorial services at which Woodard has served as conductor or music director include a 2001 civic ceremony held at the Angels Flight funicular railway honoring mishap casualty Leon Praport and his injured widow Lola.
Timothy McVeigh asked Woodard to conduct a prequiem Mass on the eve of his execution in Terre Haute, Indiana; while acknowledging McVeigh's "horrible deed", Woodard consented, intending to provide comfort.
He has conducted wildlife requiems, including for a California Brown Pelican with a pliers on the berm crest of a beach where the animal had fallen.
He is reputed to favor colored inks in preparing a score.Woodard is known for his replicas of the Dreamachine, a mildly psychoactive lamp, which have been exhibited in art museums throughout the world.
In Germany and Nepal he is known for contributions to the literary journal Der Freund, including writings on interspecies karma, plant consciousness and the Paraguayan settlement Nueva Germania.