Moritz Brasch, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Moritz Brasch

German writer

Date of Birth: 18-Aug-1843

Place of Birth: West Prussia

Date of Death: 14-Sep-1895

Profession: philosopher

Nationality: German Empire

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Moritz Brasch

  • Moritz Brasch (August 18, 1843 in Zempelburg, Prussia, now SepĂłlno Krajenskie – September 14, 1895 in Leipzig) was a German philosopher and man of letters. He was educated at the universities of Berlin, Greifswald, and Jena, settling at Berlin on the completion of his studies.
  • Finally he went to Leipzig, where he became (1874–79) the chief editor of the Brockhaus Konversations-Lexikon. Brasch ranked high among German essayists.
  • He published the following works: "Benedictus von Spinoza's System der Philosophie," 1870 "Lichtstrahlen aus Mendelssohn's Schriften nach der Ethica Dargestellt," 1875 "Die Klassiker der Philosophie," 3 vols.
  • 1883-86 "Gesammelte Essays und Charakterköpfe zur Neuern Philosophie und Litteratur," 2 vols.
  • 1885-86 "Philosophie der Gegenwart" (vol.
  • iv.
  • of "Klassiker der Philosophie"), 1887 "Welt-und Lebensanschauung Friedrich Uberwegs," 1888 "Philosophie und Politik: Studien ĂĽber Lassalle und Johann Jacoby," 1890 "Gesch.
  • der Leipziger Universität von ihrem Ursprung bis zur Gegenwart," 1890 "Lehrbuch der Gesch.
  • der Philosophie," 2d ed.
  • 1893 "Wesen und Ziele der Ethischen Bewegung," 1894 "Leipziger Philosophen im 19.
  • Jahrhundert—Porträts und Studien," 1894 "Die Facultätenfrage und die Stellung der Philosophie," 1895.He edited: Moses Mendelssohn's "Werke zur Metaphysik, Religionsphilosophie und Aesthetik," 2 vols.
  • 1880, 2d ed.
  • 1881 Friedrich Ueberweg's "Schiller als Philosoph und Historiker," 1885; Schopenhauer's works, 2 vols., 1891 Aristotle's "Politeia" (German transl.
  • with introduction and notes), 1894.

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