Heikki Taavetti Aho (29 May 1895 – 27 April 1961) is viewed as a pioneer of Finnish documentary film.
Aho worked with his half-brother Björn Soldan (1902–1953) through their film production company Aho & Soldan (1925–1961) the Finnish documentary film tradition was born.
Aho & Soldan was founded in 1925 in Helsinki, largely to enable a visual image of Finland as a newly born nation, and was active until 1961.
Author: Unknown, Source: Suomalaisen elokuvan vuosikymmenet : johdatus kotimaisen elokuvan ja elokuva-alan historiaan 1896-1963 / Kari Uusitalo, Helsinki : Otava, 1965, picture gallery of Finnish film makers License: PD Finland (simple photos)