Friedrich Gottlieb Stebler, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Friedrich Gottlieb Stebler

Swiss agriculturalist (1852-1935)

Date of Birth: 11-Aug-1852

Place of Birth: Safnern, canton of Bern, Switzerland

Date of Death: 07-Apr-1935

Profession: university teacher, botanist, anthropologist

Nationality: Switzerland

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Friedrich Gottlieb Stebler

  • Friedrich Gottlieb Stebler (11 August 1852, Safnern – 7 April 1935) was a Swiss agriculturalist and ethnographer. Following classes at the agricultural school in Rütti, he studied agriculture at the Universities of Halle and Leipzig.
  • In 1875, he founded a private Samen-Kontrollstation (seed control station) in Mattenhof bei Bern. In 1876 he gained his venia legendi at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH Zurich), where he taught classes in agricultural-related subjects until 1901.
  • As an agriculturalist he published works on forage crops, alpine agriculture and pastoralism. From 1889 to 1916 he was editor of the Schweizerischen Landwirtschaftlichen Zeitung.As his career progressed, he developed an interest in ethnography, making frequent visits to Valais in order to study the lives and customs of its population.

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