Nicolas Gisin, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Nicolas Gisin

Swiss physicist

Date of Birth: 29-May-1952

Place of Birth: Geneva, Canton of Geneva, Switzerland

Profession: association football player, quantum physicist

Nationality: Switzerland

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Nicolas Gisin

  • Nicolas Gisin (born 1952) is a Swiss physicist and professor at the University of Geneva working on quantum information and communication, as well as on the foundations of quantum mechanics.
  • His work includes both experimental and theoretical physics.
  • He contributed significant work on the fields of experimental quantum cryptography and long distance quantum communication in standard telecom optical fibres.
  • As a theoretician, Gisin brought deep insights into quantum mechanics.
  • He is also the first to develop quantum information technology to such a level that it was for the first time possible to take it out of the lab and into the commercial world: he co-founded ID Quantique, a spin-off company which quickly developed into one of the world leaders in the field of quantum information and communication technologies.

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