Joan Todó Cortiella, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Joan Todó Cortiella

Spanish writer

Date of Birth: 02-Apr-1977

Place of Birth: La Sénia, Catalonia, Spain

Profession: writer, poet

Nationality: Spain

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Joan Todó Cortiella

  • Joan Todó Cortiella (La Sénia, 2 April 1977) is a Catalan poet and writer.
  • He studied Comparative Literature and Literary Theory in Barcelona.After completing his studies, he undertook his literary career in Barcelona.
  • There he lived until late 2011, when he returned to La Sénia to labor issues.
  • From his experience in the Catalan capital emerges her first collection of poems, Los fòssils (al ras) and also his first book narrative, A butxacades.
  • Later also published El fàstic que us cega, another poetry collection. His last work, L'horitzó primer, talks about his hometown and comes from a commission of eleven short stories the magazine L'Avenç.
  • It is inspired in books of Gaziel i Artur Bladé, who also write on theirs hometowns.He has also collaborated on several literary magazines, such as Paper de Vidre, Quadern, Pèl Capell, El Tacte que té, Reduccions, Caràcters i L'Avenç.

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