Walter Borho, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Walter Borho

German mathematician

Date of Birth: 17-Dec-1945

Place of Birth: Hamburg, Germany

Profession: mathematician, university teacher

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Walter Borho

  • Walter Borho (born 17 December 1945, in Hamburg) is a German mathematician, who works on algebra and number theory. Borho received his PhD in 1973 from the University of Hamburg under the direction of Ernst Witt with thesis Wesentliche ganze Erweiterungen kommutativer Ringe.
  • He is a professor at the University of Wuppertal. Borho does research on representation theory, Lie algebras, ring theory and also on number theory (amicable numbers) and tilings. In 1986 he was an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Berkeley (Nilpotent orbits, primitive ideals and characteristic classes – a survey).

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