Odd Hoftun, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Odd Hoftun

Norwegian missionary

Date of Birth: 27-Dec-1927

Place of Birth: Ål, Buskerud, Norway

Profession: engineer, missionary

Nationality: Norway

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Odd Hoftun

  • Odd Hoftun (born 27 December 1927) is a Norwegian engineer and missionary. He was born in Ål to power station operator Erik Hoftun and schoolteacher Martha Indergaard.
  • He was educated electrical engineer from the Norwegian Institute of Technology, and subsequently worked at Tafjord Kraftselskap and Drammen elektrisitetsverk.
  • From 1958 to 1995 he worked in Nepal, where he first helped construct a hospital in Tansen, and a was then a driving force for establishing a secondary school in Butwal (Butwal Technical Institute (BTI), 1963).
  • He was further a pioneer and key person in the early development of hydropower in Nepal, through Butwal Power Company Ltd., Himal Hydro Ltd., and Nepal Hydro and Electric (P) Ltd.
  • He received several decorations from the King of Nepal, and was decorated Knight, First Class of the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit in 1990.

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