Friedrich Max Kircheisen (23 June 1877 – 12 February 1933) was a German historian, born at Chemnitz.
He studied history and international law at the Universities of Leipzig and Paris and specialized in the Napoleonic era.
He also distinguished himself by his geographical and literary researches.
His writings include a bibliography on Napoleon which was published in German, English, and French (1902).
Other works include:
Die Schriften von und über Friedrich von Gentz (1906) – The writings of and about Friedrich von Gentz.
Napoleon: Auswahl aus Seinen Aussprüchen (1907) – Napoleon, selection of his sayings.
Hat Napoleon Gelebt? Und andere kuriose Geschichten (1910).
Napoleon, Sein Leben und Seine Zeit (1914) – Napoleon, his life and times.
Napoleon im Lande der Pyramiden (1918) – Napoleon in the land of the pyramids.
Auswahl aus J.
Rousseau Briefen 1908) – Selection of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's letters.
Memoiren aus dem Spanischen Freiheitskampfe (1908) – Memoirs of the Spanish struggle for freedom 1808–1811.
Ernst Moritz Arndt : Erinnerungen aus dem äußeren Leben Neue wohlfeile Ausgabe (1912; as editor) – Ernst Moritz Arndt; memories from the outer life.
Gedichte (1913) – Poetry; edition of Max von Schenkendorf.
Die Schlacht an der Marne (1915) – The Battle of the Marne.