Ludwig Lavater, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Ludwig Lavater

Swiss theologian

Date of Birth: 01-Mar-1527

Place of Birth: Kyburg castle, canton of Zürich, Switzerland

Date of Death: 15-Jul-1586

Profession: theologian

Nationality: Switzerland

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Ludwig Lavater

  • Ludwig Lavater (4 March 1527; Kyburg (castle) – 5 July 1586 in Zurich) was a Swiss Reformed theologian working in the circle of his father-in-law, Heinrich Bullinger.
  • He served as Archdeacon at the Grossmünster in Zurich and briefly Antistes of the Zurich church as the successor of Rudolf Gwalther. Lavater was a prolific author, composing homilies, commentaries, a survey of the liturgical practices of the Zurich church, a history of the Lord's Supper controversy, as well as biographies of Bullinger and Konrad Pellikan.
  • His work on ghosts (De spectris ...) was one of the most frequently printed demonological works of the early modern period, going into at least nineteen early modern editions in German, Latin, French, English and Italian.

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