Willy Bretscher, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Willy Bretscher

Swiss editor (1897-1992)

Date of Birth: 26-Oct-1897

Place of Birth: Winterthur, canton of Zürich, Switzerland

Date of Death: 12-Jan-1992

Profession: politician, journalist

Nationality: Switzerland

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Willy Bretscher

  • Willy Bretscher (1897, Winterthur – 1992) was a Swiss newspaper writer and editor. Bretscher began his career as a secretary with the Neues Winterthurer Tagblatt, subsequently having his work taking up by numerous publications.
  • In 1917 he took a position with the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, becoming in 1925 its Berlin correspondent.
  • Bretscher voiced a strong dislike for Socialism, finding it too close to Communism, and in his position was able to witness firsthand the troubles of the Weimar Republic.
  • He was made the Zeitung's editor-in-chief in 1933, holding the post until 1967.
  • Bretscher aided in the early development of Liberal International; he died in 1992.

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