Georgy Fotev, Date of Birth


Georgy Fotev

Date of Birth: 24-Aug-1941

Profession: sociologist

Nationality: Bulgaria

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Georgy Fotev

  • Georgy Fotev (Bulgarian: ?????? ?????) (born August 24, 1941) is a Bulgarian sociologist.
  • His scientific works are in the areas of theory and history of sociology and the disciplinary fields of modern sociology.
  • The focus of the research interests of G.Fotev is the nature of sociology as a multiple paradigm science.
  • Another major theme in the works of Georgy Fotev is the dialogue as a base and horizon of multiple paradigm sociology.
  • Georgy Fotev has publications in the fields of historical sociology, sociology of politics, ethnosociology, the crisis of legitimacy, sociology of values, etc.
  • His books "The long night of communism in Bulgaria" and "Bulgarian melancholy" throw light on the dramatic fate of the Bulgarian national society.
  • Georgy Fotev was Minister of Education and Science (1991–1992).
  • He is professor emeritus of New Bulgarian University.
  • In 2003 he was awarded the Distinguished Service Award from the American University in Bulgaria.

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