Finn Nørbygaard, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Finn Nørbygaard

Danish actor

Date of Birth: 08-Mar-1952

Place of Birth: Esbjerg, Region of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Profession: actor, entertainer, comedian, musician, school teacher, voice actor

Nationality: Denmark

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Finn Nørbygaard

  • Finn Nørbygaard (born 8 March 1952, Esbjerg) is a Danish actor, entertainer, musician and psychotherapist.
  • Nørbygaard was originally educated as a school teacher but had his breakthrough in a TV role as a bus conductor with Jacob Haugaard wherein they popularized the regional expression Ja-dak.
  • The pair also made the Jydekompagniet movies and acted in popular TV-commercials for Tuborg Squash.
  • Another of Nørbygaards successes was the comedy/music show Musik og Fis in 1994 which he made with the singer Jette Torp.
  • The show also became known as Finn og Jette Show.Nørbygaard invested in JMI invest, the primary owner of IT Factory.
  • When IT Factory collapsed, Nørbygaard lost about 250 million Danish kroner worth of investment.
  • After the financial difficulties of the late 2000s, Nørbygaard has focused more on holding lectures and speeches about the ups and downs of his life.
  • He has a seven year education in gestalt therapy and is practising as a psychotherapist.
  • In relation to his therapeutic interests he has made a large number of radio interviews with famous Danes, known as Finnsk Terapi.

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