Frithjof Schuon, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Frithjof Schuon

Swiss philosopher, poet and painter (1907-1998)

Date of Birth: 18-Jun-1907

Place of Birth: Basel, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland

Date of Death: 05-May-1998

Profession: poet, painter, philosopher

Nationality: Switzerland

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Frithjof Schuon

  • Frithjof Schuon (; German: ['f?i?t?jo?f '?u?.?n]) (18 June, 1907 – 5 May, 1998), also known as ?Isa Nur ad-Din ?A?mad (Arabic: ????? ??? ??????? ?????) after his conversion to Islam, was an author of German ancestry born in Basel, Switzerland.
  • He was a spiritual master, philosopher, and metaphysician inspired by the Hindu philosophy of Advaita Vedanta and Sufism and the author of numerous books on religion and spirituality.
  • He was also a poet and a painter. In his prose and poetic writings, Schuon focuses on metaphysical doctrine and spiritual method.
  • He is considered one of the main representatives and an exponent of the religio perennis (perennial religion) and one of the chief representatives of the Traditionalist School.
  • In his writings, Schuon expresses his faith in an absolute principle, G??, who governs the universe and to whom our souls would return after death.
  • For Schuon, the great revelations are the link between this absolute principle—G??—and humankind.
  • He wrote the main bulk of his work in French.
  • In the later years of his life, Schuon composed some volumes of poetry in his mother tongue, German.
  • His articles in French were collected in about 20 titles in French which were later translated into English as well as many other languages.
  • The main subjects of his prose and poetic compositions are spirituality and various essential realms of the human life coming from G?? and returning to G??.

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