Heinrich Wölfflin, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Heinrich Wölfflin

Swiss art critic, art historian (1864-1945)

Date of Birth: 21-Jun-1864

Place of Birth: Winterthur, canton of Zürich, Switzerland

Date of Death: 19-Jul-1945

Profession: historian, university teacher, art historian

Nationality: Switzerland

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Heinrich Wölfflin

  • Heinrich Wölfflin (German: ['ha?n??ç 'vœlfl?n]; 21 June 1864, Winterthur – 19 July 1945, Zurich) was a Swiss art historian, whose objective classifying principles ("painterly" vs.
  • "linear" and the like) were influential in the development of formal analysis in art history in the early 20th century.
  • He taught at Basel, Berlin and Munich in the generation that raised German art history to pre-eminence.
  • His three great books, still consulted, are Renaissance und Barock (1888), Die Klassische Kunst (1898, "Classic Art"), and Kunstgeschichtliche Grundbegriffe (1915, "Principles of Art History").

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