Daniele Mastrogiacomo, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Daniele Mastrogiacomo

Italian journalist

Date of Birth: 30-Sep-1954

Place of Birth: Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

Profession: journalist

Nationality: Switzerland

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Daniele Mastrogiacomo

  • Daniele Mastrogiacomo (born on 30 September 1954, Karachi, Pakistan) is an Italian-Swiss journalist and a war correspondent for la Repubblica newspaper. An expert in foreign politics, he began working for la Repubblica in 1980 and has been a special international reporter since 1992.
  • Mastrogiacomo reported on events such as police operation Mani Pulite, the Marta Russo murder and the Priebke affair.
  • He has worked in Afghanistan, Iran, the Palestinian territories, Iraq and Somalia.
  • In 2006 he reported on the Lebanon war.

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