Narf (singer), Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Narf (singer)

Galician composer and singer

Date of Birth: 24-Apr-1968

Place of Birth: Silleda, Galicia, Spain

Date of Death: 15-Nov-2016

Profession: composer, singer, guitarist

Nationality: Spain

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Narf (singer)

  • Francisco Xavier PĂ©rez Vázquez (24 April 1968 – 15 November 2016), best known as Narf, and, firstly, as a member of the bands Os Quinindiolas and Nicho Varullo, in the theatrical company ChĂ©vere and posteriorly in PsicofĂłnica de Conxo, unically as Fran PĂ©rez, was a Galician singer and songwriter, which sought to incorporate diverse musical genres to rock structure.Narf was first featured as a soundtrack composer, combining this aspect with the acting one in different theatre roles.
  • He also collaborated with many other artists, taking his music around the world, championing his compromise with Galician culture, nonetheless feeling profound affinity with African music.

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