Donald C. Jackman, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Donald C. Jackman

American medievalist

Date of Birth: 15-Jan-1954

Place of Birth: Hammersmith, England, United Kingdom

Profession: medievalist, linguist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Donald C. Jackman

  • Donald Charles Jackman (born London, 15 January 1954) is an American medievalist and linguist of Australian background. Donald C.
  • Jackman received the Ph.D.
  • in 1987 from Columbia University with the dissertation entitled The Konradiner: a study in genealogical methodology dealing with the family of the Conradines.
  • He also later earned the M.A.
  • in applied linguistics and worked as a linguistic supervisor for several years at the Pennsylvania State University.
  • As a historian he has concentrated especially on the heritability principle as long-time critic of Eduard Hlawitschka and defender of the thesis of Armin Wolf concerning the genesis of the imperial college of electors.
  • In 2006 he founded the internet publishing house Editions Enlaplage, originally as a conduit for extended investigations into inherited right in the aristocracy of the central Middle Ages.

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