William Wirt (Attorney General), Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


William Wirt (Attorney General)

United States Attorney General

Date of Birth: 08-Nov-1772

Place of Birth: Bladensburg, Maryland, United States

Date of Death: 18-Feb-1834

Profession: lawyer, politician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About William Wirt (Attorney General)

  • William Wirt (November 8, 1772 – February 18, 1834) was an American author and statesman who is credited with turning the position of United States Attorney General into one of influence.
  • He was the longest serving Attorney General in U.S.
  • history.
  • He was also the Anti-Masonic nominee for president in the 1832 election. Wirt grew up in Maryland but pursued a legal career in Virginia, passing the Virginia bar in 1792.
  • After holding various positions, he served as the prosecutor in Aaron Burr's trial for treason.
  • He won election to the Virginia House of Delegates in 1808 and was appointed as a United States Attorney in 1816.
  • The following year, President James Monroe appointed him to the position of United States Attorney General.
  • Wirt remained in that office for the next twelve years, serving under Monroe and John Quincy Adams.
  • He continued his law career after leaving office, representing the Cherokee in Cherokee Nation v.
  • Georgia. Though Wirt was himself a former Freemason, the Anti-Masonic Party nominated him for president in 1832.
  • Wirt did not actively campaign for office and refused to publicly speak against Masonry.
  • Nonetheless, the ticket of Wirt and Amos Ellmaker carried the state of Vermont, becoming the first third party presidential ticket to win a state.
  • After the election, Wirt continued to practice law until his death in 1834.
  • Wirt County, West Virginia, is named in Wirt's honor.

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