Major Muhammad Husein Mutahar (Arabic: ????? ???? ?????, romanized: Mu?ammad ?usayn Mu?ahar; full name: (Arabic: ??? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ???????, romanized: Sayyid Mu?ammad ?usayn bin Salim bin ?a?mad bin Salim al-Mu?ahar); August 5, 1916 – June 9, 2004) was the founder of Paskibraka, a youth organization in Indonesia which has the main task for raising and lowering the heirloom national flag of Indonesia (now duplicate) in ceremonies commemorating the independence day of Indonesia (17 August).
Mutahar was also an Indonesian music composer, especially for national anthems and children's songs.
As a composer, he was better known as H.
Mutahar as his abbreviation name.
In addition, as a diplomat Mutahar was once believed to be the Indonesian ambassador to the Vatican in 1969 to 1973.