Moedomo Soedigdomarto, also spelled Mudomo Sudigdomarto, (29 November 1927, Magetan – 5 November 2005, Bandung) was an Indonesian mathematician, educator and professor at the Bandung Institute of Technology, of which he was rektor.Soedigdomarto was one of the first Indonesians to obtain a Ph.D.
in mathematics, which he earned from the University of Illinois, with a dissertation entitled "A Representation Theory for the Laplace Transform of Vector-Valued Functions", in 1959 at the age of 32, under the orientation of Robert Gardner Bartle.Soedigdomarto was the first Indonesian to have a paper recorded in Mathematical Reviews (Moedomo and J.
Uhl, Jr.
"Radon-Nikodym theorems for the Bochner and Pettis integrals" published in the Pacific Journal of Mathematics in 1971).