Soekmono, Date of Birth, Date of Death



Indonesian archaeologist and historian.

Date of Birth: 14-Jul-1922

Date of Death: 09-Jun-1997

Profession: historian, archaeologist, anthropologist

Nationality: Indonesia

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Soekmono

  • Soekmono (14 July 1922 – 9 July 1997) was an Indonesian archaeologist and historian. Throughout his career, he wrote about and researched Borobudur and the Javanese Candi.
  • His main publication about Javanese Candi was a doctoral thesis presented in 1974. He was the director of the National Archaeological Institute of the Republic Indonesia (Lembaga Purbakala dan Peninggalan Nasional Republic Indonesia).
  • He was also the Project Manager of the Borobudur Restoration Project in the 1970s - the Proyek Pemugaran Candi Borobudur - when Borobudur was pulled down and rebuilt as part of a UNESCO project to rebuild the monument.

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