Susanne Abbuehl, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Susanne Abbuehl


Date of Birth: 30-Jul-1970

Place of Birth: Bern, canton of Bern, Switzerland

Profession: singer, university teacher, jazz musician

Nationality: Switzerland

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Susanne Abbuehl

  • Susanne Abbuehl (born July 30, 1970) is a Swiss/Dutch jazz singer and composer. As a child she received lessons in harpsichord, playing baroque music.
  • At the age of 17 she went to Los Angeles where she went to a high school attending music lessons on a daily basis, being part of an ensemble that toured the U.S.
  • and Canada.
  • She studied at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague, Netherlands with Jeanne Lee and Rachel Gould and earned a master's degree in performance and pedagogy.
  • She became a student of Indian classical singer Prabha Atre in Mumbai.
  • Abbuehl studied composition with Dutch composer Diderik Wagenaar. In 2001, her album April was released by ECM and won an Edison award (Dutch Grammy).
  • She tours with her band and other jazz musicians in Europe, North America, and Africa, playing in Montreal, Maputo, Cape Town, Rome, Paris, Zurich, Oslo, and other European cities.
  • In May 2006, her album Compass was released by ECM (with Michel Portal).
  • In 2013, her radio play Der Gaukler Tag was nominated for the Prix Marulic.
  • In her work, influences of classical music can be found.
  • Her artistic identity is characterized by minimal instrumentation and arrangements and can be described as chamber jazz. Abbuehl is a professor of jazz voice and ensemble at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts as well as at the HEMU Lausanne.
  • She has taught master classes throughout Europe.

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