Oscar Sarlinga, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Oscar Sarlinga

Argentinian bishop

Date of Birth: 20-May-1963

Place of Birth: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Profession: Catholic priest

Nationality: Argentina

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Oscar Sarlinga

  • Oscar Sarlinga is an Argentinian bishop, born in Buenos Aires city on May 20, 1963.
  • He did his primary studies at Nuestra Señora de Luján School, in San Andrés de Giles, and secondaries in Fray Mamerto Esquiu School, in that same city.
  • He has also a degree in French Language Studies at the Alliance Française of Buenos Aires, Italian Language and Literature from Dante Alighieri Academy and several other languages.The Vatican announced on 3 November 2015 that Sarlinga had resigned as bishop citing the provision of canon law that provides for resignation if a bishop "has become less able to fulfill his office because of ill health or some other grave cause".
  • According to Crux, he faced charges of mismanaging funds and mistreating clergy.
  • Crux also reported that Pope Francis, while Archbishop of Buenos Aires, had opposed Sarlinga's appointment as bishop.

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