Oscar Sarlinga is an Argentinian bishop, born in Buenos Aires city on May 20, 1963.
He did his primary studies at Nuestra Señora de Luján School, in San Andrés de Giles, and secondaries in Fray Mamerto Esquiu School, in that same city.
He has also a degree in French Language Studies at the Alliance Française of Buenos Aires, Italian Language and Literature from Dante Alighieri Academy and several other languages.The Vatican announced on 3 November 2015 that Sarlinga had resigned as bishop citing the provision of canon law that provides for resignation if a bishop "has become less able to fulfill his office because of ill health or some other grave cause".
According to Crux, he faced charges of mismanaging funds and mistreating clergy.
Crux also reported that Pope Francis, while Archbishop of Buenos Aires, had opposed Sarlinga's appointment as bishop.